Jesus: The Believer’s Inheritance

  It is fascinating to observe when people talk about inheritance, ones mind would immediately cater properties, wills, houses, jewelries, and other material things. All of which are centered on material temporal things.   In 1 Peter 1:4 , although The Apostle Peter used the term “inheritance” once in his letter, Apostle Paul on the other hand, mentioned this term in his letters several times. ( Eph_1:14 , Eph_1:18 , Eph_5:5 , Col_3:24 ,) But what is so significant about this particular emphasis of Peter? After all, he made a brief description of the inheritance (verse 4-5) a believer will obtain now that he is part of God’s family.   The term “inheritance” is not something new among Jewish ears. Going back to the OT, when God divided the promised land among the 12 tribes of Israel, every tribe received a portion of the land as their inheritance, except for the tribe of Levi…”the priestly tribe”. They were the only tribe that didn’t get one. God’s reason for doing so is i...

Christmas - More Than Just a Day


Christmas, the remembrance of that day when Jesus was born-- goes far beyond a day's celebration. From eternity past, God has ordained the virgin birth, the fulfillment of the coming of "Immanuel," God with us-- God incarnate. 

"I bring you good news"-- this is the concept of "to evangelize." This good news "is so good because the bad news is so bad."

What this "good news" should cause us to remember:

  1. The sovereign will and gracious act of God being displayed through Christ! See Eph. 1:4-6, Titus 3:4-7, and Rom. 5:8. He "chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him." 

  2. The truth of God's Word-- He fulfills His promises in Christ! From Genesis to Malachi, God makes clear the prophecies concerning the Messiah; and, in Jesus, they are all fulfilled. See Luke 24:44-46. 

  3. The accomplishment of man's redemption through Christ! See 1 Cor. 15. This same Jesus will come again to make all things right. See Acts 1:6-11. 

Despite the fact that angels are excluded from knowing the grace that we, as human beings, experience, they brought glad tidings of joy. How much more should we, then, rejoice! 

We who deserve God's wrath because of our sins are offered forgiveness through Jesus. He, who was from the beginning with God, through whom, for whom, and by whom all things have been made, became flesh. He, the sinless one, dwelt among us, was crucified, dying the death we deserve so that we can be reconciled to God. 

Jesus lived a sinless life but became sin for us. He died, was buried, and He rose again, offering life eternal to anyone who will believe in His finished work-- a work so complete that no one can add to it or subtract from it, a work that cost the shedding of His own blood-- blood that can make the vilest sinner clean!

Christ Jesus, in offering himself as the perfect sacrifice, satisfied God's wrath; and, God declares righteous each one whose trust is in His Son, the Savior He promised and whom He sent, that man would be reconciled unto Him-- to the praise of His glory. Praise the Lord, O my soul, praise His holy name!

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