Jesus: The Believer’s Inheritance

It is indeed an alarming scene as we observe the anxiousness of the people in response to the global pandemic that we now face. The fear of uncertainty, security and possible death, has driven almost everyone to unreasonable panic and restlessness.
As God’s children, how do we respond to all of these things? What does God’s word tell us? In Philippians 4:4-9, God’s word reminds us not to be anxious for anything…but to be prayerful in everything with thanksgiving. And the peace that is granted only to His people will give calmness to our hearts and minds. Since we believe that God is sovereign, and that even from eternity past, He has already ordained everything that will come to pass throughout human history; we can rest assured that God knows exactly what is going on and that He is still in control of everything.
This is the blessing of being a child of God. Our hope and confidence is never in this world nor the things of this world. Our rest, security, and hope are found ONLY in Christ alone. He is our ONLY refuge and strength in this time of trouble (Psalm 46:1-3).
In light of this, as much as we desire to continue gathering on Sundays for added encouragement and upliftment through God’s word and fellowship in the midst of all these, yet our present situation (under the government’s temporal restriction) has forbidden us for precautionary measures.
For this reason, for the next 3 Sundays (starting March 22, 2020), although we cannot be together physically, our gathering for worship will still continue, but via FB messenger. Our time will be the same at 10:30 AM. We will be sending reminders as the time for the gathering approaches.
This is not only an opportunity of encouraging and strengthening fellow believers, but also a Gospel opportunity as we point anxious people to Christ Who is the ONLY hope in this life.
Please be encouraged also to inform us of anything that we can be of assistance to you. We desire to remain in contact with you, not just through prayer and encouragement but also by means of support.
May we seize every opportunity in exalting Christ and see these things in light of the Scriptures always.
Let’s remain faithful to Him until He comes!
Hebrews 10:19-25
Cedar Bibiolata
Lead Pastor
Northside Harvest Baptist Church