Jesus: The Believer’s Inheritance

Prophets are God’s messengers to His people. They are called by God to preach His message, which through history has majored on a message of judgment and call to repentance. As a result, prophets often find themselves in a lonely and unpopular position.
Some prophets like Isaiah have penned God’s powerful words so that people will not only hear but read God’s message. Old Testament books written by prophets are poetic in form. They reveal and confront the wickedness of
God’s people (Isaiah 1:2-31; 3:1-26). Significantly, God’s message of judgement includes a message of hope (See Isaiah 60-66 for Israel’s future glory).
Isaiah is probably the longest prophetic book in the entire Bible. He prophesied in and during the reigns of the four kings of Judah (Isaiah 1:1). His calling as a prophet is of great significance because he witnessed the glory and majesty of the Lord of hosts (Isaiah 6:1-5). This heavenly vision caused the prophet to see not only his own but also his people’s sinfulness (Isaiah 6:5). Isaiah received God’s forgiveness and call for him to preach God’s message to His people (Isaiah 6:6-13).
Isaiah provides a contrast between two kings: Ahaz who did not trust in the Lord and Hezekiah who had confidence in God’s grace and mercy (Isaiah 36-37). The sign given to doubtful Ahaz was the coming of “Immanuel,” signifying God’s assurance of protection of Jerusalem (Isaiah 7). This sign of “Immanuel” was ultimately fulfilled by the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:22-23). Isaiah’s other prophesies about Christ include His description of Him as God’s Servant who was to suffer for and carry the sins of His people (Isaiah 53).
In sum, the book of Isaiah reminds us of two important principles: first, we are to respond to the “Holy One of Israel” with humble submission and willingness to obey His commands (Isaiah 6); second, we are to trust in the Lord like Hezekiah who placed himself under the merciful hand of God. He is our Deliverer!
May our trust always be in the Holy One of Israel, the Lord God Almighty.