Jesus: The Believer’s Inheritance

Have you ever prayed, “Thank you, Lord, for this food,” and then later complain about it? Have you ever praised God one day and then doubt Him the next?
In the book of Numbers, we find the Israelites complain time and time again, doubting God and His promises, even though they had repeatedly witnessed His miracles, provision and faithfulness. We say to ourselves, “What rebellious hearts!” But aren’t we guilty, too? How often have we found ourselves complaining about our situation? How often have we found ourselves doubting God? When was the last time you ate your food, after giving thanks, without complaining about it?
This morning at Northside Harvest, God’s Word reminded us of the need to be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus (I Thessalonians 5:18). What a faithful God we serve; and, we thank Him today for those who, from Sunday to Sunday, have been faithfully coming…
Till next time, please be praying with us as we plan ways for reaching out to the community with the Gospel of Christ. We are trusting in God for His wisdom, guidance, strength, provision and perfect timing…