Jesus: The Believer’s Inheritance

  It is fascinating to observe when people talk about inheritance, ones mind would immediately cater properties, wills, houses, jewelries, and other material things. All of which are centered on material temporal things.   In 1 Peter 1:4 , although The Apostle Peter used the term “inheritance” once in his letter, Apostle Paul on the other hand, mentioned this term in his letters several times. ( Eph_1:14 , Eph_1:18 , Eph_5:5 , Col_3:24 ,) But what is so significant about this particular emphasis of Peter? After all, he made a brief description of the inheritance (verse 4-5) a believer will obtain now that he is part of God’s family.   The term “inheritance” is not something new among Jewish ears. Going back to the OT, when God divided the promised land among the 12 tribes of Israel, every tribe received a portion of the land as their inheritance, except for the tribe of Levi…”the priestly tribe”. They were the only tribe that didn’t get one. God’s reason for doing so is i...

What makes Nov. 1st so special?

November 1st is a special day, and here’s Kathleen who will “tell” you all about it through song!

During our worship today, Kathleen sat quietly (for a few minutes) on the first row, which was quite a feat for a toddler.  Three of the four families who regularly attend were present (not counting ourselves and my parents-in-law), and we praise the Lord! Please pray that these families will commit themselves to the Lord and decide to become members.  One of these regular attendees actually asked for a pew Bible to read during the week!

The message today focused on the Holiness of God and His call to holy living. We went through the different sacrifices and offerings, making clear that man cannot approach God on man’s terms.  Man must approach God according to God’s way– and that one exclusive way is through “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).

Please continue to pray for us as we seek the Lord’s wisdom and guidance in this new church planting ministry.  We are still working on various documents to be able to go door-to-door and distribute flyers.




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