
Showing posts from July, 2020

Jesus: The Believer’s Inheritance

  It is fascinating to observe when people talk about inheritance, ones mind would immediately cater properties, wills, houses, jewelries, and other material things. All of which are centered on material temporal things.   In 1 Peter 1:4 , although The Apostle Peter used the term “inheritance” once in his letter, Apostle Paul on the other hand, mentioned this term in his letters several times. ( Eph_1:14 , Eph_1:18 , Eph_5:5 , Col_3:24 ,) But what is so significant about this particular emphasis of Peter? After all, he made a brief description of the inheritance (verse 4-5) a believer will obtain now that he is part of God’s family.   The term “inheritance” is not something new among Jewish ears. Going back to the OT, when God divided the promised land among the 12 tribes of Israel, every tribe received a portion of the land as their inheritance, except for the tribe of Levi…”the priestly tribe”. They were the only tribe that didn’t get one. God’s reason for doing so is i...

James 2:1 - The Sin of Partiality

Review: During his ministry, Jesus had rebuked the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. They were religious but unrighteous. This inconsistency is what we are warned against in James 1:26-27. If we are followers of Christ, our walk should be consistent with our talk. Our lives should reflect the truth we have been taught and are called to faithfully proclaim.  A look at each phrase in James 2:1: “Do not hold” — ie., do not make it a habit or a way of living; “the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ”— ie, the body of truth, the Gospel message which is salvation through Christ alone; “who is glorious”— or “the Lord of glory,” an expression of the fact that Christ is the radiance of God the Father’s glory, the exact representation of his nature (See Heb. 1:3. Also, this points to Christ’s exalted position, being on the right hand of God. See Heb. 2:9); “with an attitude of personal favoritism—It is clear in verse 1 that James addresses “believers,” a witness to the fact that we as followers of C...

James 1:26-27 - Religious or Made Righteous?

Review: Believers are called to not be mere hearers of the Word, but doers of the Word.  This truth is further emphasized in James 1:26-27.  Note the contrast between “external performance” and “internal transformation” “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless”— the term “religious” appears only here in James and the word “religion” (which appears elsewhere in Scripture) has a different root word than “religious.” In looking at sources outside of Scripture, the term “religious” can be defined as “rituals”. For example, one source speaks of Herodotus (5th Century B.C. Greek historian), with respect to his historical accounts, focused “mainly on the ritual and hardly on the belief underlying it.” Edwin Hatch, an English theologian in the 1800’s defined the term “religious” to refer to external observances of public worship such as church attendance, alms giving, prayer, and fasting.” Thus, one wh...

James 1:22-25 - A Hearer and a Doer of God’s Word

INTRO: Consider (and assess as to which group you belong)— There are those who cannot understand the Word of God, as they are blinded or are spiritually dead (See 1 Cor. 1:18, Eph 2:1-4, John 10:10, John 14:6) There are those who understand God’s Word but do not obey There are those who understand AND obey. The Call to Live Out God’s Word —Stay consistently obedient to God’s Word, even in the midst of trials and persecution.“Keep on becoming”- believers are to continue to apply the truth of God’s Word on a day to day basis— that is, to walk in wisdom! The Contrast between doers of the Word and hearers only (See Matthew 7:24-27). James uses the “mirror” to refer to God’s Word that allows us to “see” our condition. As a mirror allows us to see what our outward appearance looks like, the Word of God allows us to see what our inner appearance looks like. (1) The one who is a hearer only does nothing after he has “seen” what needs to be done, according to God’s Word. He neglects to practic...

James 1:19-21 - Quick to Hear, Slow to Speak, Slow to Anger

Recall the attributes of God— emphasized in last Sunday’s passage: 1) He does not change; 2) He is good; 3) He is Sovereign. James focused on the nature and ways of God. In today’s passage, James focuses on giving instructions as to practical Christian Living: “ Swift to hear ”= quick to listen, meaning to be always more willing to listen, to understand, to attend to, to consider what has been said, to comprehend what you hear. Recall the true story of when Jesus walked on the water— the disciples were terrified, thinking they saw a ghost. “They were utterly astounded, for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened.” This is an example of times that we hear and see but do not understand, when our hearts “are hardened.” Pray for understanding, to be ready always to listen to comprehend!  “ Slow to speak ”— (interesting note—the Guinness Book had recorded the world’s fastest talker to be able to articulate 586 words per minute—this record was broken in ...